Past Papers (2010-2019)
Park, S. and He, X. (2017). Hypothesis testing for regional quantiles. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , Vol. 191, 13-24.
Zhang, S. and He, X. (2016). Inference based on adaptive grid selection of probability transforms. Statistics , Vol. 50 (3), 667-688.
Broglio, S., Rettmann, A., Greer, J., Brimacombe, S., Moore, B., Narisetty, N., He, X., and Eckner, J. (2016). Investigating a novel measure of brain networking following sport concussion. International Journal of Sports Medicine , Vol. 37(9), 714-722.
Shen, J., and He, X. (2015). Inference for Subgroup Analysis with a Structured Logistic-Normal Mixture Model. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Volume 110, 303-312.
Yang, Y., and He, X. (2015). Quantile Regression for Spatially Correlated Data: an Empirical Likelihood Approach. Statistica Sinica , vol. 25, no. 509, 261-274.
Narisetty, N.N., and He, X. (2015). Discussion of ``multivariate functional outlier detection''. Statistical Methods & Applications , Vol. 24, 209-215. DOI: 10.1007/s10260-015-0305-z
Zheng, Q., Peng, L., and He, X. (2015). Globally adaptive quantile regression with ultra-high dimensional data. Annals of Statistics , Vol. 43, no. 5, 2225 -- 2258.2014
Narisetty, N.N., and He, X. (2014). Bayesian Variable Selection with Shrinking and Diffusing Priors. Annals of Statistics , Vol. 42, no. 2, 789-817.
Zheng, S., Jiang, D., Bai, Z.D., and He, X. (2014). Inference on multiple correlation coefficients with moderately high dimensional data. Biometrika , vol. 101, no. 3, 748-754.
Shen, J., and He, X. (2014). Generalized F Test and Generalized Deviance Test in Two-way ANOVA Models for Randomized Trials. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics , Vol. 24, no. 3, 523-534.
Feng, X., and He, X. (2014). Statistical inference based on robust low-rank data matrix approximation. Annals of Statistics , Vol. 42, no. 1, 1-224.2013
Dalpiaz, D., He, X., and Ma, P. (2013). Bias Correction in RNA-Seq Short-read Counts using Penalized Regression. Statistics in Biosciences , Vol. 5, Issue 1, 88-99. DOI: 10.1007/s12561-012-9057-6
He, X., Wang, L., and Hong, H. G. (2013). Quantile-adaptive Model-free Variable Screening for High-dimensional Heterogeneous Data. Annals of Statistics , Vol. 41, no. 1, 342-369.
Kim, J.Y., and He, X. (2013). Robust EM Clustering via Mixture Model for Multivariate Regression (Invited Paper) Quantitative Bio-Science , Vol. 32(2), 69-80.2012
Li, B., Liang, F., He, X., and Hu, J. (2012). Reno: Regularized Nonparametric Analysis of Protein Lysate Array Data. Bioinformatics , Vol. 28, Issue 9, 1223-1229.
Hu, J., and He, X. (2012). Searching for Alternative Splicing with a Joint Model on Probe Measurability and Expression Intensities. Journal of the American Statistical Association , Vol. 107, no. 499, 935-945.
Yang, Y., and He, X. (2012). Bayesian empirical likelihood for quantile regression. Annals of Statistics , Volume 40, no. 2 , 1102-1131.
Tang, Y., Wang, H., He, X., and Zhu, Z.Y. (2012). An informative subset-based estimator for censored quantile regression. Test , Vol. 21, no. 4, 635-655.
He, X., Yang, Y., and Zhang, J. (2012). Bivariate downscaling with asynchronous measurements. JABES , Vol. 17, no. 3, 476-489.
Wang, H. X., Li, D., and He, X. (2012). Estimation of High Conditional Quantiles for Heavy-tailed Distributions. Journal of the American Statistical Association , Vol. 107, no. 500, 1453-1464.
Lin, G., He, X., and Portnoy, S.L. (2012). Quantile Regression with Doubly Censored Data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis , Vol. 56, Issue 4, 797-812. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2011.03.0092011
Yang, J.Y. and He, X. (2011). A Multi-step Protein Lysate Array Quantication Method and its Statistical Properties. Biometrics , Vol. 67(4), 1197-1205. DOI: 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01567.x
Li, C., Wei, Y., Chappell, R. J. and X. He (2011), Bent Line Quantile Regression with application to an allometric study of land mammals' speed and mass. Biometrics , vol. 67, 242-249.
Wang, X., Guo, J., and He, X. (2011). Finding the minimal set for collapsible graphical models. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society , Vol. 139, 361-373.
Guo, J., Xu, P.F., and He, X. (2011). An Improved Iterative Proportional Scaling Procedure for Gaussian Graphical Models. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics , Vol. 20, 417-432.
Liu, R. Y., Tao, J., Shi, N.Z., and He, X. (2011). Bayesian analysis of the patterns of biological susceptibility via reversible jump MCMC sampling. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Volume 55, Issue 3, 1498-1508.
Malandraki, G., McCullough, G., He, X., McWeeny, E., and Perlman A. (2011). Teledynamic Evaluation of Oropharyngeal Swallowing. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research , Vol.54, 1497-1505. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2011/10-0284)
Feng, X., He, X., and Hu, J. (2011). Wild bootstrap for quantile regression. Biometrika , Vol. 98, no. 4, 995-999. doi: 10.1093/biomet/asr0522010
He, X., Hsu, Y. H., and Hu, M. (2010). Detection of Treatment Effects by Covariate-adjusted Expected Shortfall. Annals of Applied Statistics , Vol. 4, No. 4, 2114-2125.
Broglio, S. P., Schnebel, B., Sosnoff, J.J., Shin, S., Feng, X., He, X., Zimmerman, J. (2010). The biomechanical properties of concussions in high school football. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise , Vol. 42(11), 2064-2071.
Hong, H. G., and He, X. (2010). Prediction of Functional Status for the Elderly Based on a New Ordinal Regression Model. Journal of the American Statistical Association , Vol. 105, No. 491: 930-941.
He, X. and Zhou, J. (2010). Discussion of "Envelope models for parsimonious and efficient multivariate linear regression", Statistica Sinica , Vol. 20, No. 3, 971-978.
He, X., Xue, H., and Shi, N.Z. (2010). Sieve Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Doubly Semiparametric Zero-Inflated Poisson Models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis , Volume 101, Issue 9, 2026-2038.