Who Am I?
By Xuming He
Current Position
H. C. Carver Collegiate Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics, University of Michigan
Professional Honors and Associations
Fellow of the the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS);
IMS Medallion Lecturer, Keynote Speaker at the 2007 Joint Statistical Meetings, Salt Lake City;
Jerry and Ann Nerad Professorial Scholar Award (2005) by the College of LAS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;
Fellow of The American Statistical Association
Fellow of Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Fellow of The International Statistical Institute
Professional Services
Co-editor of JASA (Theory & Methods), 2012-1014;
Chair of the Program Committee, 59th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) (at Hong Kong, 2013);
Chair, ASA Committee on Meetings, 2012-2016;
Program Chair, Joint Statistical Meetings, 2010;
Editor of the IMS Bulletin (2007-2010);
Associate Editor of The Annals of Statistics (2004--2011); Associate Editor of Journal of the Royal Statistical Society; Series B (since 2010); Co-Editor of Sankhya (2005-2008); Editor of Journal of Multivariate Analysis (1998-2004); Associate Editor of Statistica Sinica (1996-2002, and 2005 - 2011) and Statistics and Probability Letters (1994-2010);
ASA Committee on Noether Awards (2008-2011), ASA Committee on Meetings (2009-2011 and as Chair 2012-2017), the Search Committee for the ASA Executive Director (2006), ASA Committee on Federally Funded Research (2006-2009), ASA Committee on Scientific Freedom and Human Rights (1998-2000);
Elected Council member of IMS 2004-2006; Chair of the IMS Travel Award Committee (2005-2006); Chair of the IMS Nomination Committee (2005-2006); Chair of the IMS Ad hoc Committee on IMS China (2007);
President of the International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) (2010); On the Board of Directors of ICSA (2003-2005, 2009-2011);Chair of the ICSA Nomination and Election Committee (2005);
Elected Council member of the ISI (2012-2017); Chair of ISI Publications Committee (2015-2018); Member of ISI Awards Committee (2016-2017);
Other Positions Held
Professor of Statistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (through August 2011);
Program Director of Statistics, National Science Foundation (August 2003 - August, 2005);
Director, Illinois Statistics Office (2000-2003);
Honorary Professor, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, The University of Hong Kong (since 2011);
Advisory Professor, East China Normal University (2002-2008 )
Senior Fellow, Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore (12/97 - 07/98);
Lecture, Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore (10/89 - 07/93);
Co-Chair of the Scientific Committee, Center for Statistical Research, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2006 - ).
Changjiang (Cheung Kong) Visiting Professor at Northeast Normal University, supported by the Ministry of Education of China and Li Ka Shing Foundation of Hong Kong (2008-2011);
Honorary Professor of Statistics, School of Management, Fudan University (since 2007);
Consultant to Argonne National Laboratory (1994-1996) ;
Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (1994-2002).